Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Its time to stop procrastinating!

Well this is my first attempt at a blog and the reason I decided to give it a try is that I feel that I have all these plans in my head but keep pushing them off.  I have the typical ones such as start working out each day, eating healthy, having a more positive attitude, start saving more money etc.  But I also have other plans...plans that are not too much effort to implement but need motivation.  I have a large loose leaf with recipes I have collected over the years and always plan to make.  But out of the 200+ recipes I have collected I have only made a handful.  Today this will change! I will attempt to make one recipe a day until I go through the entire collection.  Today I started with a challa recipe that I got from a dear friend Miriam.  Of course, I played around with the recipe as I did not have any fresh yeast, so I substituted dry yeast. I ran out of sugar and so instead of 2 cups sugar, I went with 1 1/2 c sugar and 1/2 c. of Splenda.  I also used all purpose flour instead of high gluten flour.  Hey no one said I can't play around with the recipe!  It did not rise well, but after leaving it in the oven on 200 degrees it actually looks pretty good. If I can figure out how to attach a photo, I will post a picture of the challas.  Will have to wait for the weekend though to tell you how it tastes.  The other plan that has been in the back of my mind is with regard to work.  I LOVE what I do...I love being a physical therapist and helping people. I recently started supervising a new therapist and realized that I love teaching and advising.   So...I am playing with the idea of increasing my supervision hours at different locations or maybe starting to teach mini PT topics at different centers. Now just got a figure out a way to implement it all....

Well not sure if I am gonna blog daily or every few days, guess I will just feel it out. Had a wonderful morning today. Took a quick walk around the neighborhood before dropping the baby off at playgroup.  My friend then came over for a couple of hours and it was sooo nice to hang out and just chat. The hubby came home for lunch and we spent a few minutes chatting about our day.  Now its time to get back to work.  Until next time..........

P.S. Think I figured out how to upload a picture so here is my challas.... If u want me to post the recipe, let me know.


  1. first, your challahs look delicious! second, your plan to teach/supervise is a great idea- good luck!
    my plans need a lot of work...in my head (body's too lazy), i would love to change career paths. wish i loved school, lots of school work, was motivated and ambitious....but i'm lazy and don't think i have the brains to get it done! one good thing about teaching was i had summers off.
    since my move to chicago, i haven't been working- which i looooovvvvveee (did i mention that i'm lazy?!). sadly, i have a feeling my freedom is coming to an end. hubby just asked this morning if i wanted to look for a job! maybe he's scared of all the shopping i've been doing! anyway, thanx for starting the blog. is this instead of our "tuesday morning talks"?

  2. Thanks! I really hope they taste good. I have not had good experience with baking and Splenda but was too lazy to run to the neighbors to borrow more sugar. Hey why don't u go back to social work? Did u ever finish ur degree? Maybe u can work in a hospital or clinic.... I guess since we have not been so consistent with our tuesday morning chats this will have to do!

  3. good post! keeps me updated on your day!

  4. I like this new idea for you. It may help to get things sorted out. Regarding the recipes, I know exactly how you feel because I am the exact same way. Eventually either I'll throw some out or try to attempt to make things or maybe they'll disappear in their own magical way.
    I think you would make a great supervisor and teacher.
    The challahs look good. Hope they taste good too.

  5. thanks guys! I have ventured on to my next recipe and already it is turning out to be a disaster. I will blog the details iy'h tomorrow.

  6. This is a great idea! I also have hundreds of recipes that i've collected. Over the summer I tried a lot, & over y"t I made mostly new recipes. Some good, some bad. I'll keep reading your blog! good luck!

  7. Thanks Adina!! Did u discover any good recipes over yom tov? I made a delicious brisket egg roll. It was a real hit. You bake a brisket in bone sucking sause on 300 degrees for 2 hours. Drain the sauce and keep it as that will be the dipping sauce. While its warm u shred it and then wrap the meat in eggroll wrappers and fry.
